The package recognizes the following 2 situations with credit invoices:

  1. You have created an invoice, but you discover that it is incorrect or unjustified and therefore decide to credit it.
  2. You have sent an invoice to a customer, who subsequently paid the invoice, but a few days later complains that the invoice was sent incorrectly and expects the paid amount to be credited back to his account. In this situation you will create a credit note within the package, which will have to be assigned to the refund via the bank.

Crediting an incorrectly created invoice

See the following invoice overview:

We see in the overview invoice 2023000080, which is the credit of invoice 2023000079, which was created incorrectly.

If we open invoice 2023000080, we see the following:

Duidelijk is aangegeven, dat factuur 2023000080 de creditering betreft van factuur 2023000079.

You can also determine within the invoice overview that both amounts €245.25 and -€245.25 ' cancel out ' against each other, the balance of both invoices together is €0.00

Crediting an incorrectly sent and paid invoice

See the following invoice overview:

Invoice 2023000084 was created with a negative amount and sent to the customer.

We have now transferred the relevant amount of €100.00 back to the customer's account and are processing the following bank transaction:

We will allocate the refund of €100.00 to the relevant credit invoice.

If we were to open the invoice in question again, we would see that it has been paid:

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